The Importance of Date Night

This blog post is dedicated to the importance, value, and beauty of date night. Here I will give you five points as to why you and your partner should take it seriously and highlight the essence of holding on to that “spark” in your relationship. Need an at home activity? Check out my date night ebook! Enjoy!

If someone asked you “What is important in your relationship?”, you would probably list some common things such as communication, quality time, admiration for your partner, etc. But what about the value of date night? There is no textbook answer as to what you deem date night to be but they do encompass 5 important parts: discipline, commitment, quality time, appreciation and most importantly, love.


Discipline involves self-control, orderliness, and adherence to standards or guidelines to achieve desired goals or outcomes. When we commit ourselves to our goals and dreams, we are directing more energy and awareness to what it takes to achieve that goal. Our relationships require that same tenacity (even more if you’re long-distance) to keep love fresh. Try to discipline yourselves to start slow and have a mandatory day strictly for date night, such as the first Saturday of the month.


You all made a commitment to being in a relationship so don’t allow yourselves to grow comfortable by doing the “bare minimum”. Sure, a “good morning beautiful” text is nice, but this is showcasing the fact that actions speak louder than words. Relationships require action from both parties, such as showing up for one another or noticing when your partner isn’t having a good day. Commitment to date night can help ensure that the bond you all formed is flourishing, while potentially bringing up issues that might have been pushed away and can now be addressed. 

Quality Time

Let's be real, we all fall short sometimes with taking the time to go out every now and then, and with the world growing increasingly expensive, staying indoors is much better on your pockets. Not going to that fancy restaurant or going to the movies is no excuse as to why you all can’t have any quality time. Quality time is whatever you make it out to be, such as watching a movie on Netflix, or taking a walk around your neighborhood. There is no time limit as to how much quality time you all should spend, so if you only have five minutes to spare, spare them to your partner to reaffirm the love you have for them. Life can get busy, but making sure you spend those free minutes throughout the day to remind your partner that they matter can make a huge impact on the quality of your relationship.  


I would be remiss to say that NOT showing appreciation for your partner can lead to serious trust issues and unwarranted arguments, or put into laymen terms: snapping. I truly believe there is no human being who chooses to be underappreciated, especially when hard work and time is involved, even if all they did was put a nail in the wall. Showering your partner with praises simple as “I loved the way you made my coffee today” or “Thank you for always being there for me” may seem small, but the impact those praises have matters! Never fall short of showering your partner with appreciation for the commitment they made to being in a relationship with you, because no one wants to give anyone a reason to leave the months or years you’ve built together. Never grow comfortable with how things currently are, because relationships are forever evolving to blossom into a beautiful bouquet. 


Last but certainly not least is love. Love is the core of what holds two people together as a foundation as to why they’re here. Without love, the foundation of a relationship can grow rocky, allowing trust issues and doubt to creep in about whether this relationship is worth fighting for. You deserve to be loved, to be with someone who makes you feel special and encourages you to be the amazing person you aspire to be. We can get caught up in the everyday tasks of life, and date night can be magical in bringing us back down to earth. This reminds us that despite all the punches this world throws at us, we have an amazing person that showers us with love and warmth, and reminds you that you are worthy of their time.  

If you’re looking for an activity to do at home, be sure to check out my ‘Lovers Ebook’ filled with questions to freshen and spice up any date night! Looking for a couples trip? Be sure to check out my blog post about our trip to Las Vegas that has a FREE downloadable itinerary.

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