Resolving Relationship Conflict

This blog post is dedicated to handling conflict in a relationship, but also why having conflict should be celebrated rather than taking on a negative image. Here I will share with you Bible verses to keep close in your marriage as a reminder to keep God in the center of it all. Looking to release some tension? Check out my e-book! Enjoy!

Picture This:

You’re out with your friends having a couples night out and everything is going great! The food is delicious, the drinks are flowing and the vibe is right, until the question comes up, “how is everything going in your relationship?”. There are only three paths these questions can go down: great, good and okay – okay being the most open-ended response leaving a stiff moment of unease amongst both parties. 

If you’re responding “great”, then no one is going to poke their nose around and will smile with two big thumbs up. “Good” doesn’t prompt too much snooping around but it does raise a slight eyebrow with a swift “why not great” response. We finally reach “okay” which now creates a painful “oh…um…is everything okay?” moment. Everyone is looking at you and your partner because on the outside everything seems fine because you're the golden couple that doesn’t argue. Right?


Being an “example couple” isn’t an issue, in fact I think it’s inspiring for the hopeless romantic in the room to not give up because love is achievable for everyone. But let's not forget that even the “match made in heaven” relationships do have issues. Societal norms say people who argue in their relationships are toxic, doomed to fail, and won’t last. But why is that? Having a disagreement isn’t an issue, but if you’re going to raise your voice or gaslight your partner, then you have fallen into the societal norm of toxicity. 

We should be celebrating in the moments we have conflict, because this is a moment you can take the time to talk to your partner on an issue that is bothering you. If this is your forever partner, that means you both chose to commit to be honest with each other and to live a fruitful life. We get so caught up in what society is saying and we forget what God has intended for us. He wants you and your partner to succeed, such as this verse in Mark 10:9 (NIV): "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

So why are you letting societal norms separate your relationship?

Avoiding conflicts in relationships is not healthy, so let's throw that out the window as a strategy for conflict management tactics. Here are three powerful Bible verses you should hold close to in your relationship and/or marriage. 

Ephesians 5:25 (NIV):
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."

This verse emphasizes the deep love and sacrificial commitment that should exist within a marriage. Despite the current hardships you’re facing right now, the price for resolving marriage conflicts should always be your top priority.  

Genesis 2:24 (NIV):
"That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh."

This foundational verse speaks to the unity and bond that marriage creates between two individuals. Take this time to really process the sacrifices you all made for this relationship to work, and the emotional feats you all overcame to be successful.

1 Peter 4:8 (NIV):
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

This verse highlights the importance of unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace in a marriage. When we allow ourselves to get worked up over an argument, this can take a drastic turn in “wanting to get back” and being petty towards our partners. Remembering the love you all have for each can save you from the path of sinful acts such as suppressing your emotions with alcohol and drugs, or engaging in adultery to blow some steam. The love you all have for each other should be so deep that you don’t even need to consider sinful acts because at the end of the day, your partner is worth every penny.

I pray this blog post has been an aid for conflict resolution in your marriage, and remembering to keep God in the forefront of everything. He is a forgiving God who wants to see His children prosper and thrive to live a happy and fruitful life that He intended for us. 

The Harpers 


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